Hi all! Big influx of new members this week. I am so grateful and happy to see you here!
I thought I’d open up a thread so you can ask me anything. Anything at all.
I’m always drafting posts for The Hyphen. My drafts folder on Substack has over 100 articles in it currently! This sounds disorganised but it’s actually just my ~working process~. A piece of feedback I often get is that my posts often feel spookily ‘timely’ for people — this is because I always think deeply about the timing of what I’m writing and posting. Call it woo-woo but I always sit quietly and check in with myself, my surroundings and get a ‘sense’ of what is floating around in the general ether — plus the general vibe of my friendship groups/Whatsapps and I tend to line it up with how things feel that day or week.
Of course there’s no real logic to this and of course I don’t always get it right — but depending on the weather or the season or collective mood, I chop and change what I want to post on any given week. Sometimes it doesn’t feel right to post something I’d already scheduled, because something else suddenly feels more important. I’ve never been a planner — and this newsletter, although it is technically a job, will never ever have a rigid editorial schedule. Things are always changing in the world, so, when it comes to writing this newsletter which I run independently by myself, I have the freedom of utter flexibility.
A lot of how I have always worked is very much based on gut instinct and intuition. The older I get, the more I trust this internal compass, over and above looking outside at what I ‘should’ be doing. (top tip: if something is trending, give yourself a moment to see if you really need to ‘jump on it’, ask yourself what you can do that’s helpful, or, if it doesn’t feel important, watch it float on by.) It feels counter-cultural, but instead of growing growing growing outwardly, I’m so curious about going deeper in, in, in. The creativity that lies in the stillness. What a fun and curious journey this life can be.
Please do ask away! This is an Ask Me Anything thread, and I will try and answer as many as possible here. You’re the expert on your own life of course, so I’m no agony aunt — but your questions can inspire future posts.
If you’d like to leave a comment and join the discussion, sign up as a paid member here.
Also: I am announcing something super exciting on Monday — if you are intrigued at how you can join me at one of my creative unblocking workshops soon, all will be revealed then!