The comments on here are just a joy to read. Thank you Emma for sharing your mic with us. I actually just wrote my first fiction piece in 7 years a couple of days ago. It was for flash fiction and I absolutely loved writing it. I entered it in a writing competition🤞🏻 but whatever happens, I'm just so pleased I wrote it without much plan, I just went for it without overthinking, pressure or self doubt. I look forward to learning more about flash fiction and even perhaps make it a regular feature on my substack The Curious Magpie https://substack.com/@oceanemeftah

Good luck with the new novel, looking forward to reading it ☺️

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I'm a little late to the party here but having such a great time reading all the other comments, I thought I'd pitch in!🥰

I'm proud of being able to share a Q&A with Jami Attenberg on my Substack this week - a writer I greatly respect, and who it feels quite surreal to have been directly in touch with: https://laurenkatepowell.substack.com/p/navigating-writer-life-with-jami

Elsewhere I've been working on a piece about my grandmother, and her influences on me in a few particular ways, which is turning into a rather lengthy something or other, that I think could do with an editor's guidance on how to best craft it for potential pitching ... if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction, I'm all ears! 📝

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Ooh Lauren I've saved your Q&A with Jami Attenberg to read when I have more time and I can't wait!

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Ah thank you, hope you enjoy!

(Also loving the “Battenberg” typo, as I sit eating cake and catching up on Substack 🍰😉)

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Hahah! Predictive text's way of being funny 😁

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Congratulations on the final process with your book! I am in mine with my book of poetry called UNDERDOG BET. It is a truly exciting time. I just had two poems Dandelions and Five Course Dinner published in The Zebra Ink


Look forward to reading your previous works as well. And definitely getting your new work. Congrats again!

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Good luck Emma! Open mic is a great idea too thanks for the opportunity. I’m currently in a bit of a flump at the moment if that’s even the right word to describe it. I’m not sure what direction to take my career and I feel I have way too many hats on and fingers in pies. I’m a Virtual assistant, I’m also a creator on TikTok and earn a bit from that but not enough, yet. I have an Etsy shop selling digital products, I also do tarot readings and I’m writing and illustrating a series of kids books that I want to self publish I suppose that’s my dream right there and what I enjoy the most but it takes time and for this I need money so I’m a blip! Then I overthink and get overwhelmed and wonder if I then confuse the universe as to what I want as I’m spinning too many plates! So there you go, a little brain dump for you. I also have the urge to study and learn a proper craft like psychology as it fascinates me but again time and money!! Help anyone?!

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Hi all! Emma, you're a role model for creators, especially those of us who feel like we can never take a break! I love this open mic idea....on my Substack Itsbooktalk & More https://itsbooktalk.substack.com/ I write about books and reading and share tons of book recommendations. I have a great bookish community who gets together on Friday's in a thread to share what we're reading, watching, loving, & more. It's a great space to chat with other readers and get great recommendations. I also plan on expanding my writing to talk about navigating midlife and beyond. Thanks for this open mic opportunity Emma!

Before I go, I have to share what I've been reading - I started The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt - it's my first read by her and so far I'm loving it. I'm alternating between reading on my kindle and listening to the audio, I think the audio narration is excellent.

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Wonderful! You are such an inspiration here. For me, August was a modest month. Of course, I tackled many creative projects as a photographer/writer in my business, but I felt like I didn't have it in me to write here. But then came September! And I just wrote about cars with true joy. I typed away, shared what I wanted to say. This post is probably the first time I published here without thinking about what other people might think. Like, with zero strategy. Very happy, might repeat. 💫


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Love this open mic idea!

Like others have mentioned, I find it refreshing that, Emma, you're sharing these insights into the reality of your life as a writer, and that you are not afraid to prioritize your novel at this point in time. We can never do it all, and sometimes, some things have to go on the backburner.

Living with chronic illness, I've had to re-define my own idea of success and in general, what I want my life to look like (because it's nothing like I imagined; if someone had told me three years ago that this is where I'd be - mostly housebound with an energy-limiting condition - I would not have believed them seeing as I've always been full of ambition, eager to experience new things, travel, etc.)

One strategy to cope and figure out my next steps and to get into the nitty gritty of how I want to live my life was starting my substack: https://writewhatremains.substack.com/

There, I write about coming to terms with my set of chronic conditions, try to create awareness around Long Covid, ME/CFS, etc. and to hold space for the puzzle pieces of my former life that don't quite fit yet, like being a literary and cultural studies scholar, yoga aficionado, world traveler,... 🤓

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Hi Emma thanks for this opportunity! Best of luck with the book, and I think taking your time is just fine! I like using the pomodoro technique on days when I get stuck or too sloggy, but those long days at the desk are also just a part of the process! I have launched my music into the world and since doing so have had two sync deals come to me without me pursuing them, which I am taking as a sign I need to continue! Rihanna used my song in her latest Fenty lips campaign which I am still pinching myself about - there is a crazy story about this song! Now TG4 (Irish TV channel) are using my track for their campaign. I have also designed a coaching program for people who, like me, had buried their creative dreams for one reason or another. I want to help people rediscover their gifts, so I will be launching that soon. I have a new job starting on Monday and I’m a single parent of 3, so I find I just have to allow things to follow their own timeline and I work in ‘bursts’. My goal is to release a solo album in 2025 and launch the coaching program as soon as possible, but for now the job needs to be my priority until I’m settled in. My music is at www.sonsiemusic.com and I have started writing about creativity and the coaching aspect here https://youarecreative.substack.com I would love to connect with anyone this resonates with, and I am open to collaborations etc, one big dream is to compose music for tv/film, I just love collaborating with other creatives. My hero in that world is Bear Mcreary. I have a dream of working with Aaron Dessner, too. Let’s see 🤞🩷

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I’m switching up a gear with my substack ‘FoodStack Library and enjoying it very much. And with the help of some very talented volunteers, I can expand it even more. But it is hard work and a balance needs to be found.

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I'm a humor writer and have a book proposal that was on submission for a bit last year before my agent pulled it off and I revised it over the summer and now this past week it just went back out on submission again, so I am calling that my current win.

I write a Substack with writing tips and funny stuff called Humor Me: https://julievick.substack.com/

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Hi, all! I'm an American opera singer and comedian living in Berlin. I've taken two solo shows about opera to Edinburgh Fringe, and I'm putting together an EU tour of the latest one. I have a substack about creativity and grief: https://stephdeprez.substack.com/

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I left teaching in June after surgery changed me and meant I couldn’t do the leadership role justice. This is my new business and I’d be chuffed to bits to get even one click on website from posting here 🥰


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This is a lovely idea! Your honesty is refreshing. Thank you. I like that your work meanders, and isn’t just churn, churn, churn. You know that I was a huge advocate of Olive, so I’m really looking forward to your next novel! Shout out if you need a guinea pig! 🐹

So, this is plug time! Here is my Substack:

https://open.substack.com/pub/themagpiebynaomi I don’t really have a niche, as such. I just write about what interests me. My most recent post is purely a list of things that I love, and don’t love ❤️

Alongside working in an employed role (which I’m not feeling the love for), I have a couple of small things that I’m working on: (1) I help people write their CVs. I’m a former military spouse (now a veteran’s spouse). I’ve realised that there’s actually a lot of us out there who are struggling with employment. I didn’t expect it to, but my self-confidence is still in tatters in that particular area. (2) this is VERY early days, but I’m interested in proofreading. Typos seem to leap off the page at me. I’m doing a basic online course to see if it ticks the boxes before I dive in deeper with more in depth courses.

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Hi Emma, love that you're doing this! The big news for me is that my debut novel is out this coming Thursday! https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Another-Life-Audiobook/B0DDY9TQP1 It's been developed as an Audible Original & is performed by the wonderful Erin Doherty & the brilliant Kingsley Ben-Adir. I've related so much to your recent shares about getting published by alternative means & the joy & freedom of that. However, I am also currently working through edits for my second novel (out next year in print) &, although that's a very different journey, I'm enjoying that one too. Finally, I've now got my new home office set up & wrote a little piece about how fucking fantastic it is having my own space to create for the first time in my 11 year professional writing career (https://karlamariesweet.substack.com/p/sunday-best-whats-on-my-desk). It's already changed my life immeasurably. I bought the hourglass you mentioned in one of your previous posts too & it's been an absolute game changer for me! Thanks for the recommendation xx

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Congratulations on your book, what an accomplishment!!

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A whole novel!! You are amazing!! 🤩

I am a short-form writer. As in I write social media updates occasionally. And I’m a great texter. It is unbelievable to me that anyone can string together words into coherent ideas that create a story. Bravo!!

I am working on a fall/winter collection of hand knit and crocheted toys! I’ve had an Etsy shop for 15 years, and I’m finally able to devote the time to it that I’ve always hoped to. It’s terrifying to create these little creatures and put them out in the world. They’re my babies! I hope to make the switch from “please love my babies” to “here are my babies and I stand by their wonderfulness” someday. If you want to see some of what I make, you can find me at sweetlittleknits.etsy.com or Instagram.com/sweetlittleknitsshop ❤️

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I'm looking forward to your new novel! I am such a fan of your writing and vibe 😄 I'm giving more thought to producing a book, a retrospective of sorts, with my favorite photographs I have made over five decades. Something with minimal text and more about the images themselves: I may pick one of my favorite environmental organizations and have the profits go to them.

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